Popping fishing technique is one of the angling methods using top water artificial lure or bait in the form of a popper. This popping technique is angling of throwing a popper at a fishing spot that has been identified as predatory poppers such as Giant Trevally (GT) and retrieving while stomping the rod to create water splashes and pop sounds to attract the monster fish.

This types of fishing technique is almost the same as the casting fishing techniques, but the different in this popping technique lies in different classes of fishing tackle sets which is heavy fishing, rough arrangement and heavier equipment. There are 3 types of poppers used namely chugger popper, pencil popper and stick-bait popper. The target fish of popping fishing technique are the fish species that hit the surface of the water such as Giant Trevally, Yellowfin Tuna and others.

Many anglers in the world are happy with the popping fishing technique because when the fish grab the popper, it will make the predator shock and run out so fast. This will make your reel screaming while the line out. When the predator hits the popper, the anglers will also see the splash of water because caused by the impact of the popper by the predator. Apart from such shocking sensation, anglers will also experience of the trill of catching a big predator, adrenaline and the physique of popping and fighting with predator.

This fishing popping technique is also often called GT Popping, although the target fish is not always GT. The fish targeted in the popping technique depend on the condition of the fishing spot. For example a rock spot that appears to the surface and hit by waves is a good spot foot GT Popping Fishing. If the fishing location is near shipwrecks, drop offs, coral islands, atolls, sea mounts and immigration routes, among the fish species that can be caught with this technique are GT, Yellow Fin Tuna and others.
See also:
- 25 Best Fishing Spots in Indonesia | Indonesia Fishing Charters
- Top 10 Reasons Why you’re not catching fish | Why the fish won’t bite
- 12 Best fish to catch in Indonesia
- Jigging Fishing Techniques
- Ultralight Fishing | Every-thing you need to know about Ultralight Fishing
The method of fishing with the popping technique is to throw the popper bait at a certain distance, then retrieve it and occasionally pull the fishing rod to make the popper causing water splashes of water on surface.
Following are the tackle settings for Popping fishing technique:
- 1. Popper (Bait)
Poppers are artificial bait made of hard wood with several shapes or types of poppers. You have to choose the popper according to the target and location (fishing spot). Apart from the style and action the popper produces, the color selection will also attract predators. Here are some types of poppers:
- Chugger Popper

This chugger type popper is made with a larger head with a broad and concave mouth that is useful for creating water splashes and a pop sound to attract the predator to grab it. Apart from splashing water, the chugger also produce waves and water ripples that affect the popper’s action, thus attracting predators to inspect the situation.
- Pencil

This type of pencil-shaped popper is slimmer and longer to produce the action of a fish flying on the surface of the water. By rolling the lines quickly and stomping, it will produce action as if the victim is running away. This type of poppers is very suitable to use when the sea conditions are rippling and windy because the action also produce small bubbles where the predators can distinguish between waves and bubbles produced by a prey.
- Stick-bait

Stick-bait or also known as swimmer is designed to resemble fish with natural colors. The difference between stick-bait and pencil popper is that the stick-bait is able to sink in the water while showing the action of the stick-bait swimming when it’s retrieved, it will attract the attention of predators because it is considered like injured prey and wants to run away.
- 2. Rods

The popping rod is better a long one usually reaches 7-9 feet so that when you throw the poppers it will be far away. The selection of popping rods is divided into classes from medium to extra heavy as well as flexibility.
- 3. Reels

For the popping reels selection, usually the ratio used is higher so that when retrieved the popper goes faster and does not cause angler fatigue. Selection of ratios for example 5.5:1, 5.6:1, 5.7:1, 5.8:1, 6.0:1, 6.1:1. Besides the ratio, you have to look at the minimum drag of more than 10kg, because when the fish hook, the strength of the fish pull the line due to the shock generated is very big.
- 4. Lines

PE Fishing Lines are highly recommended. The choice of PE lines depends on the reel and the strength of the fishing rod you choose to balance each other. Usually PE is suitable for popping from small ones such as PE 4, PE 5, PE 6 to large PE such as PE 8, PE 10, PE 12. But again, the choice of line size depends on your reel and rod.
- 5. Shock-leader

For shock-leader lines, it depends on the strength of the main lines. Usually the power of shock-leader is greater than main lines. Suppose you choose a PE 4 line with a strength of 42 lbs (18.9kg) then the shock-leader should be 80 lbs or more and preferably be made of fluorocarbon.
- 6. Popping Fishing Spots in Indonesia
There are many popping spots in Indonesia, from Aceh to atolls in Papua. Here are some fishing popping spots you can explore in Indonesia:
We also provide fishing popping trips in Aceh, you can see our trips below:
If you are interested in popping fishing techniques, in addition to the above preparations, you must also pay attention to the shock-leader knot and also other equipment that must be carried such as split rings, gloves so that the finger that hold the line not scratched, cutters, pliers to open and install the split rings, swivel, minimum line capacity in the reel at least 200 meters and physical preparation so that you don’t get tired and startled easily during a fight.