Casting Fishing Technique | All you need to know about Casting Method

Casting fishing technique is one of the fishing techniques of many fishing methods. Casting technique is a method of fishing by throwing a bait or lure using a flexible fishing rod and retrieve the line to play the lure in order to create an action of the lure to attract the predatory fish to prey. Fishing casting technique is mostly applied to ultralight fishing by using various kinds of artificial lures.

Casting techniques are generally often used for fishing near beaches, rivers, lakes and swamps. There is also a casting technique that is applied in the sea but near shallow corals. The fish target by casting techniques are small fish such as giant snakehead, mahseer, Bluefin trevally, diamond trevally, barramundi, snakehead, tarpon, mangrove jack and many others. In additions, some anglers also targeting the small GT fish less than 5 kilograms.

The lure or artificial bait used varies depending on the target of the fish being caught, for example of the lures are minnow, swimbait, crankbait, spoon, spinner, froggy and also soft lure bait such as worms and so on. In this casting technique, anglers can also use the cast jig, meaning casting by using a micro jig. The action that is produced by each lure above varies depending on the type of lure.

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Casting techniques are also divided into several types of fishing techniques such as fly casting, namely by using flies lure and lighter rod and line, this technique requires skill and throws the bait with the right movements of hand so that the lure reach the certain distance accurately, for completely about fly casting technique, you may see our article about fly fishing techniques. Furthermore, the surfcasting technique is fishing, which is the opposite of fly casting, where the rod and bait used are heavier and to throw the surf casting using two hands so that the bait falls further and is on target.

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Casting techniques can be applied both to the baitcasting reel (BC) which is the reel located above the fishing rod and the spinning reel which is the reel located under the fishing rod, you can find out the difference between spinning and baitcasting reels in our previous article. There are 3 basic casting techniques that you should know, namely:

  • Overhead Cast: to cast by spinning reel, removing the bait that has been tied to the leader up to 30 to 60 centimeters from the end of the fishing rod with the free spool (the reel is opened so that the line is free to come out). if you use baitcasting, put your thumb finger on the line’s spool and hold it on the fishing rod, pull your rod up and head back and start throwing the lure. For spinning reel you have to remove your forefinger from the line so that the line can come out quickly and the lure reach the distance right on your target. Overhead casting technique is a technique that is commonly used by many casting anglers.
  • Sidearm Cast: this technique is almost the same as overhead cast, the differences between the overhead cast and sidearm cast is the rod that is swung on the side of your hand either the left or the right depending on your reel, if your reel is left handle or the handle is on the left then you will swing the fishing rod from the right, and otherwise. However, this technique is often used by highly skilled anglers, for the beginner sometimes the accuracy is not on target because they are still unfamiliar with this technique.
  • Drop Cast: this drop cast technique is used when you are in a high area such as a cliff. In this situation you usually don’t throw the lure too far and limit the throw distance as you throw it down.

The technique mentioned above is a basic fishing casting technique that is commonly used by casters or casting anglers. If you have mastered the basic casting techniques above, you can try some other casting methods that look more professional:

  • Skipping Casting: Skipping is a fishing technique such as under a dock, throwing a lure under a bridge or cast the lure entering under a tree branch that grows near a river and cover the surface of the water. so that by this technique the bait does not get stuck on the tree branches.
  • Flipping Casting: This flipping technique is a technique of dropping the lure right in a narrow area such as between trees, this technique is also to reduce the splash of water when the bait falls to avoid the fear of predator fish.
  • Pitching Casting: which is a technique where you hold the bait and the other hand holds the rod and the end of the rod points down and throws it forward with your rod, the same as the flipping technique, you must be able to stop the lure before it falls into the water so that no water splashes occur when the lure falls.

Apart from the various casting techniques above, there are several cast and retrieve techniques. Here’s how to retrieve or roll the lines and play a better lure action to get the best results:

  • Walking The Dog: use a top water lure or sub-surface or lure that plays under the water surface which gives a twisting action like the appearance of an injured fish where during you reel the line it gives the appearance of an injured fish and attracts predators. This term is better known as walking the dog. To retrieve the end of the rod tip point downwards to prevent the bait from jumping up when rolling the line, by rolling a little fast with a certain rhythm, you can also pull the rod occasionally. For some species of pelagic fish, when the water is warm enough, the fish are very active and at that time, the bait that plays on the surface is more quickly grab by the fish where the fish hunt for prey near the surface of the water. For those of you who want to know the right time to fish, you can see our article about the best time to fish.
  • Bottom Bouncing: this technique requires a heavier bait such as a spoon, cast jig or sinking crankbait so that the bait plays deep near bottom. You need to roll the line by occasionally pulling the fishing rod upwards to make it look like the bait is jumping to attract the fish to grab it. Fishing locations for this technique include swamp area and so on.
  • Ripping: this technique is a casting technique where you throw a bait to the side of the boat and with a certain speed reeling the lines and most importantly you have to see the current flowing from the front of the boat to the back.

To retrieve or reeling the lines to play the lure in order to produce a natural lure action so that the movement of the lure attracts the predator, there are techniques depending on the target fish you are fishing for, for example a ferocious fish such as snakehead, mangrove jack, then you must retrieving faster, if you are targeting a predatory fish that is a little lazy like Barramundi then you should retrieve it a little slower. However, it is better if in each fishing spot to apply all available retrieving techniques, because the location may not only have one type of fish, there may be several types of fish. The following retrieve techniques that you can use:

  • Slow Retrieve: slow retrieve is reeling the lines more slowly and use a feeling. You can retrieve it casually so that the lure moves as naturally as possible. Lures that are suitable for this retrieve technique are: minnow, crankbait, swimbait and so on.
  • Fast Retrieve: a technique where after throwing the lure you are reeling the lines quickly so that the bait runs like running away from the enemy. Lures that are suitable for this retrieve technique are: minnow, crankbait, swimbait, cast jig, spoon and so on.
  • Stop & Go Retrieve: this technique is a combination technique of slow and fast retrieve, where you play the slow retrieve technique then stop and then play fast retrieve over and over again so that it looks like the bait is injured.
  • Cast Popper: This is almost the same technique as the Popping fishing technique, but here you are using a smaller popper or mini popper.

Tackle Setup for Casting Techniques

The tackle setup for casting fishing techniques depends on your fishing type, whether ultralight fishing, light medium fishing, medium heavy fishing, heavy fishing or extra heavy fishing.

Here we will let you know one of the types of fishing above, namely ultralight fishing. The setup for ultralight itself is:

Fishing rod: 1-6 lbs (max. 2.7 kg) of strength, you can choose the type of medium tapper rod. Choose a fishing rod that is at least 195 cm long.

Reel: Spinning reel size 1000 or less than 1000, or bait-casting reel size 100 or less than 100.

Line: maximum 6 lbs 0.08mm in diameter.

Lure: Maximum weight 8 gr.

Leader: 8 – 12 lbs.

Drag: locks the drag maximum 60%.

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Fishing Spot & Target Fish to Catch

We have to a little understanding of the spot and the condition of the spot including the basic contours, cloudy water condition or not, spot depth, and current. This is to make it easier for you to set up your fishing rod, including the most important lure you will use. If the spot is not too deep you can use minnow lure and so on. If the water is not cloudy then you can use natural color lures such as black mixed with silver, green and so on.

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That’s a glimpse of information about the casting fishing technique, hopefully this article can provide a little information about fishing techniques to you. Thank you for visiting our website.

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